To look upon another his weaknesses, his sins, his faults, his defects is to look upon one who is suffering. He is suffering from negative passions, from the same sinful human corruption from which you yourself suffer.
This is very important: do not look upon him with judgmental eyes of comparison, noting the sins you assume you'd never commit. Rather, see him as a fellow sufferer, a fellow human being who is in need of the very healing of which you are in need. Help him, love him, pray for him, do unto him as you would have him do unto you.
--St. Tikhon of Zadonsk
Lovely reminder, Gail. Thanks!
I've been impressed in recent months of Paul's admonition to owe nothing to anyone except the debt of love.
The more I pondered the verse the more I realized love is never "paid off." Every day, we "owe" love.
I fall so short, but want to strive to be more like HIm and love.
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